In these "How To" videos we focus on different techniques, fishing tips and tricks.

3 Types of Rigging Lures for Perch

Perch fishing comes in many different techniques and methods, which can be overwhelming for beginners in particular to determine how to rig your lures correctly for them. In this video Daniel Nilsson from Westin Team shows 3 types of rigging softlures for perch fishing in a simple an easy way for everbody to understand how it works, which products he picks to tie the rigs and what´s the best way to use them.

10 Tips For Perch Fishing

The 10 best tips for perch fishing on a lake by Jörgen Larsson, Team Westin member in Sweden. Learn which areas to focus on, what you can do when fishing is tricky and which lures & set-ups you are looking at for a day of perch fishing.

10 Tips For Zander Jigging

Jörgen Larsson's Top 10 Tips for Zander Jigging - learn how approach a day of jigging for zander with softlures in a big lake.

How to: Store your Carolina Rigs

Daniel Nilsson shows you how to store your Carolina Rigs the best way.

How to: Fish Perch in cold conditions

Jörgen Larsson and Dejan Milosevic explains how to fish for perch in cold conditions.

How to: Fish The Shadteez Hollow

In this "How To" video Daniel Nilsson shows you how to fish with ShadTeez Hollow.

How to: Rig a Ned Worm

In this "How To" video Jörgen Larsson shows you how to rig a Ned Worm.

How to: Weigh and measure perch

In this short episode, Thom Hunt gives his tips about weighing and measuring the perch without damaging it.

How to: Locate Reservoir Perch

In this video Thom Hunt looks at the key signs, both above and below the surface, that he uses to find perch on large reservoirs when boat fishing. Thom also looks at how to interpret the images on your echosounder to find characteristic perch shoals.

How to: Fish Texas and Carolina Rigs for Perch

In this video Thom Hunt talks about his rigs and tactics for fishing Texas and Carolina rigs for perch using the Westin RingCraw soft lure. He reveals a really simple way to switch to this tactic using home-made rigs that instantly allow you to change tactics.

How to: Part 1 Streetfishing - Choose the right tackle

In this series of videos, Thom Hunt takes you from A-Z when streetfishing for perch, pike and zander. He talks about his gear, rigs and tactics when streetfishing.

How to: Part 2 Streetfishing - Locating Fish In Canals

In this series of videos, Thom Hunt takes you from A-Z when streetfishing for perch, pike and zander. He talks about his gear, rigs and tactics when streetfishing.

How to: Part 3 Streetfishing - Rigging your soft lures

In this series of videos, Thom Hunt takes you from A-Z when streetfishing for perch, pike and zander. He talks about his gear, rigs and tactics when streetfishing.

How to: Part 4 Streetfishing - Lure speed

In this series of videos, Thom Hunt takes you from A-Z when streetfishing for perch, pike and zander. He talks about his gear, rigs and tactics when streetfishing.

How to: Part 1 - Shads

In these ''How To series'' Thom Hunt explains you his best tips and tricks when targeting perch with shads.

How to: Part 2 - Crankbaits

In these ''How To series'' Thom Hunt explains you some of his best tips and tricks when targeting perch with Crankbaits.

How to: Catch Perch on Creature Baits

Thom Hunt takes a look at how he searches a reservoir hotspot using the RingCraw Creature bait to extract wily perch that are lurking close to the bottom.

How to: Catch Perch on Creature Baits

Thom Hunt takes a look at how he searches a reservoir hotspot using the RingCraw Creature bait to extract wily perch that are lurking close to the bottom.

How to: Choose a softlure

Jörgen Larsson and Dejan Milosevic explains their softlure choices and gives you some concrete examples for some fantastic perch lures.

How to: Use the Pro Stinger

Kevin Pischke, Dewey Stewart and Luc Coppens explains the how to rig and use the Westin Pro Stinger System for Muskie and Pike.

How to: Rig a softlure

Jörgen Larsson show you how to rig a softlure onto a jighead.

How to: Jigging for perch

Jörgen Larsson explains his basic but very efficient jigging technique when fishing for perch.

How to: Fish a crankbait

Daniel Nilsson and Jörgen Larsson explains how they fish their Crankbaits for perch lures.

How to: Fish long leaders for pike

Elias and Daniel explain the principles behind and reasons for fishing with long monofilament leaders for pike.

How to: Choose a crankbait

Daniel Nilsson and Jörgen Larsson explains their crank bait choices and gives you some concrete examples for some fantastic perch lures.

How to: Approach a fishing spot

Enrico Di Ventura explains how you should approach a pike spot from the bank to optimize your chances of success.