Rasmus Thostrup Christensen
Rasmus Thostrup Christensen

Rasmus Thostrup Christensen is born in 2000 and have been fishing ever since. His father has been taking him fishing his whole life and he started his own “career” as a fisherman when he was 8-10 years old. He has spent a lot of time on the Danish coastline searching for big sea-run brown trout, all though his main passion is Pelagic sharpshooting for big zander and pike. “The mysterious zander is always changing eating habit and mood and therefore forces me to adapt to many different situations and pushes me to become a better fisherman. This method drives me more than everything else. The visual of a big fish on the screen, creates a focus that for me only exist in that moment. Sorting the small fish from the big and catching fewer fish, but with a much higher average weight keeps the motivation up.” 
Motivation becomes effort and effort becomes reward. 

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